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Swelling Solutions offers focused care for chronic swelling/lymphedema management, post breast cancer-related lymphedema and offers a one of a kind lymphedema surveillance program for those just starting their breast cancer treatment journey. If you are wanting to book lymphatic drainage massage for general wellness or post cosmetic related liposuction treatment, please call for alternative therapist choices in our community.
If, after booking your appointment online for the first time, you do not get a confirmation email. Please check that you have entered your email correctly.
WELLNESS ROUTINES AT SWELLING SOLUTIONS. Masking in the office is not mandatory at present. The clinic follows regional measures and our regulatory body’s guidelines for infection prevention and control measures and masking advice.
Please wear a mask to the clinic if: 1. You have been in contact with someone who has cold or flu symptoms within the last 5 days 2. You have been on a plane within the past 7 days
IT IS CLINIC POLICY THAT YOU REBOOK YOUR APPOINTMENT IF: 1. You are experiencing cold or flu symptoms (sore throat, runny nose, cough, fever or new onset of tiredness or feeling unwell)
A wellness check will be sent to you as a reminder 24 hrs before your appointment.
PARKING: There is a $2.25 plus HST exit fee from the parking lot. The machine does not take coin any longer. The gate accepts debit/credit cards to exit either by tap and go or you can insert your card.
I hope you are having a wonderful day!
Welcome to our online booking site
Registered Massage Therapy/ Certified Lymphedema Therapist
Registered Massage Therapists (RMT's) assess the soft tissues and joints of the body. They strive to treat and prevent physical dysfunction and pain of their client's soft tissue and joints by manipulation to develop, maintain, rehabilitate or augment physical function and relieve pain. RMT's certified in decongestive therapy (CDT or CLT) assess and treat both new and long standing conditions of swelling to decrease discomfort, increase mobility and prevent complications of swelling.
Holistic Nutrition
Holistic nutrition is a comprehensive approach to health and wellness that considers the whole person, rather than just focusing on individual symptoms or conditions. It emphasizes the interconnectedness of physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual factors in maintaining optimal health. Registered Holistic Nutritionists believe that a person's diet can significantly impact their overall well-being. They take into account various factors such as:
* Individual needs and goals
* Lifestyle factors
* Emotional and mental health
Our focus of care is to connect food to wellbeing after cancer treatment and to help those who have planned surgeries in the upcoming months to optimize their health through nutrition which also helps in the recovery process after surgery.
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